Friday, March 27, 2009

Zombie Jesus

Well, I'm taking my final draft of Zombie Jesus to my writing group this weekend. Many friends have told me that I should use a pen name on this script. Something to do with offending folks, but in all fairness to me, I get everyone in here, from ancient followers of Jesus, to "Der Pope", and a few others. I'm about to start sending out my scripts to various competitions, wouldn't it just be a dream if I ended up making a living off my writing? Okay, I'm not thinking that Zombie Jesus is going to be the next big Hollywood picture, though that would be to awesome for words.  This script started because of my husband, he was the one who thought it would be cool to make a bumpersticker that said: "Jesus, the original Zombie". 

1 comment:

  1. I forgot tell you how high-fucking-larious it is to have them calling the Jews to kill zombie Jeebus. Love ya. I am accepting offers to be in charge of the musical score for any of your work.
